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Developer Guide


This documentation explains how to develop this project.


  • Python 3.7+
  • APISIX 2.7.0+


  • Run make setup installation dependencies
  • Run make install installation runner to system
  • Run make dev to start it


Plugin directory#


the .py files in this directory autoload

Plugin example#


Plugin Format#

from typing import Anyfrom apisix.runner.http.request import Requestfrom apisix.runner.http.response import Responsefrom apisix.runner.plugin.core import PluginBase

class Test(PluginBase):
    def name(self) -> str:        """        The name of the plugin registered in the runner        :return:        """        return "test"
    def config(self, conf: Any) -> Any:        """        Parse plugin configuration        :param conf:        :return:        """        return conf
    def filter(self, conf: Any, request: Request, response: Response):        """        The plugin executes the main function        :param conf:            plugin configuration after parsing        :param request:            request parameters and information        :param response:            response parameters and information        :return:        """
        # print plugin configuration        print(conf)
        # Fetch request nginx variable `host`        host = request.get_var("host")        print(host)
        # Fetch request body        body = request.get_body()        print(body)
        # Set response headers        response.set_header("X-Resp-A6-Runner", "Python")
        # Set response body        response.set_body("Hello, Python Runner of APISIX")
        # Set response status code        response.set_status_code(201)
  • Plugins must inherit the PluginBase class and implement all functions.
    • name function: used to set the registered plugin name.
    • config function: used to parse plugin configuration.
    • filter function: used to filter requests.
      • conf parameter: plugin configuration after parsing.
      • request parameter: Request object, which can be used to get and set request information.
      • response parameter: Response object, which can be used to set response information.


Run make test.

Data Format#


Data Protocol#

1 byte of type + 3 bytes of length + data