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Version: 2.6




server-info is a plugin that reports basic server information to etcd periodically.

The meaning of each item in server information is following:

up_timeintegerElapsed time (in seconds) since APISIX instance was launched, value will be reset when you hot updating APISIX but is kept for intact if you just reloading APISIX.
boot_timeintegerBootstrap time (UNIX timestamp) of the APISIX instance, value will be reset when you hot updating APISIX but is kept for intact if you just reloading APISIX.
last_report_timeintegerLast reporting time (UNIX timestamp).
idstringAPISIX instance id.
etcd_versionstringThe etcd cluster version that APISIX is using, value will be "unknown" if the network (to etcd) is partitioned.
versionstringAPISIX version.
hostnamestringHostname of the machine/pod that APISIX is deployed.




This plugin exposes one API /v1/server_info to Control API.

How to Enable#

Just configure server-info in the plugin list of the configuration file conf/config.yaml.

plugins:                          # plugin list  - example-plugin  - limit-req  - node-status  - server-info  - jwt-auth  - zipkin  ......

How to customize the server info report configurations#

We can change the report configurations in the plugin_attr section of conf/config.yaml.

report_intervalinteger60the interval to report server info to etcd (unit: second, maximum: 3600, minimum: 60).
report_ttlinteger7200the live time for server info in etcd (unit: second, maximum: 86400, minimum: 3600).

Here is an example, which modifies the report_interval to 10 minutes and sets the report_ttl to one hour.

plugin_attr:  server-info:    report_interval: 600,    report_ttl: 3600

Test Plugin#

After enabling this plugin, you can access these data through the plugin Control API:

$ curl -s | jq .{  "etcd_version": "3.5.0",  "up_time": 9460,  "last_report_time": 1608531519,  "id": "b7ce1c5c-b1aa-4df7-888a-cbe403f3e948",  "hostname": "fedora32",  "version": "2.1",  "boot_time": 1608522102}

The APISIX Dashboard will collects server info in etcd, so you may also try to check them through Dashboard.

Disable Plugin#

Remove server-info in the plugin list of configure file conf/config.yaml.

plugins:                          # plugin list  - example-plugin  - limit-req  - node-status  - jwt-auth  - zipkin  ......