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Version: 2.5

Stand-alone mode

Turning on the APISIX node in Stand-alone mode will no longer use the default etcd as the configuration center.

This method is more suitable for two types of users:

  1. kubernetes(k8s):Declarative API that dynamically updates the routing rules with a full yaml configuration.
  2. Different configuration centers: There are many implementations of the configuration center, such as Consul, etc., using the full yaml file for intermediate conversion.

The routing rules in the conf/apisix.yaml file are loaded into memory immediately after the APISIX node service starts. And every time interval (default 1 second), will try to detect whether the file content is updated, if there is an update, reload the rule.

Note: When reloading and updating routing rules, they are all hot memory updates, and there will be no replacement of working processes, it is a hot update.

To enable Stand-alone model, we can set apisix.config_center to yaml in file conf/config.yaml.

Refer to the example below:

apisix:  # ...  config_center: yaml   # etcd: use etcd to store the config value                        # yaml: fetch the config value from local yaml file                        # `/your_path/conf/apisix.yaml`

In addition, since the current Admin API is based on the etcd configuration center solution, enable Admin API is not allowed when the Stand-alone mode is enabled.

How to configure rules#

All of the rules are stored in one file which named conf/apisix.yaml, the APISIX will check if this file has any changed every second. If the file changed and we found #END at the end of the file, APISIX will load the rules in this file and update to memory of APISIX.

Here is a mini example:

routes:  -    uri: /hello    upstream:        nodes:            "": 1        type: roundrobin#END

NOTE: APISIX will not load the rules into memory from file conf/apisix.yaml if there is no #END at the end.

How to configure Router#

Single Router:

routes:  -    uri: /hello    upstream:        nodes:            "": 1        type: roundrobin#END

Multiple Router:

routes:  -    uri: /hello    upstream:        nodes:            "": 1        type: roundrobin  -    uri: /hello2    upstream:        nodes:            "": 1        type: roundrobin#END

How to configure Router + Service#

routes:    -        uri: /hello        service_id: 1services:    -        id: 1        upstream:            nodes:                "": 1            type: roundrobin#END

How to configure Router + Upstream#

routes:    -        uri: /hello        upstream_id: 1upstreams:    -        id: 1        nodes:            "": 1        type: roundrobin#END

How to configure Router + Service + Upstream#

routes:    -        uri: /hello        service_id: 1services:    -        id: 1        upstream_id: 2upstreams:    -        id: 2        nodes:            "": 1        type: roundrobin#END

How to configure Plugins#

# plugins listed here will be hot reloaded and override the boot configurationplugins:  - name: ip-restriction  - name: jwt-auth  - name: mqtt-proxy    stream: true # set 'stream' to true for stream plugins#END

How to enable SSL#

ssl:    -        cert: |            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----            MIIDrzCCApegAwIBAgIJAI3Meu/gJVTLMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMG4xCzAJBgNV            BAYTAkNOMREwDwYDVQQIDAhaaGVqaWFuZzERMA8GA1UEBwwISGFuZ3pob3UxDTAL            BgNVBAoMBHRlc3QxDTALBgNVBAsMBHRlc3QxGzAZBgNVBAMMEmV0Y2QuY2x1c3Rl            ci5sb2NhbDAeFw0yMDEwMjgwMzMzMDJaFw0yMTEwMjgwMzMzMDJaMG4xCzAJBgNV            BAYTAkNOMREwDwYDVQQIDAhaaGVqaWFuZzERMA8GA1UEBwwISGFuZ3pob3UxDTAL            BgNVBAoMBHRlc3QxDTALBgNVBAsMBHRlc3QxGzAZBgNVBAMMEmV0Y2QuY2x1c3Rl            ci5sb2NhbDCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAJ/qwxCR7g5S            s9+VleopkLi5pAszEkHYOBpwF/hDeRdxU0I0e1zZTdTlwwPy2vf8m3kwoq6fmNCt            tdUUXh5Wvgi/2OA8HBBzaQFQL1Av9qWwyES5cx6p0ZBwIrcXQIsl1XfNSUpQNTSS            D44TGduXUIdeshukPvMvLWLezynf2/WlgVh/haWtDG99r/Gj3uBdjl0m/xGvKvIv            NFy6EdgG9fkwcIalutjrUnGl9moGjwKYu4eXW2Zt5el0d1AHXUsqK4voe0p+U2Nz            quDmvxteXWdlsz8o5kQT6a4DUtWhpPIfNj9oZfPRs3LhBFQ74N70kVxMOCdec1lU            bnFzLIMGlz0CAwEAAaNQME4wHQYDVR0OBBYEFFHeljijrr+SPxlH5fjHRPcC7bv2            MB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFFHeljijrr+SPxlH5fjHRPcC7bv2MAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8w            DQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAG6NNTK7sl9nJxeewVuogCdMtkcdnx9onGtCOeiQ            qvh5Xwn9akZtoLMVEdceU0ihO4wILlcom3OqHs9WOd6VbgW5a19Thh2toxKidHz5            rAaBMyZsQbFb6+vFshZwoCtOLZI/eIZfUUMFqMXlEPrKru1nSddNdai2+zi5rEnM            HCot43+3XYuqkvWlOjoi9cP+C4epFYrxpykVbcrtbd7TK+wZNiK3xtDPnVzjdNWL            geAEl9xrrk0ss4nO/EreTQgS46gVU+tLC+b23m2dU7dcKZ7RDoiA9bdVc4a2IsaS            2MvLL4NZ2nUh8hAEHiLtGMAV3C6xNbEyM07hEpDW6vk6tqk=            -----END CERTIFICATE-----        key: |            -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----            MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQCf6sMQke4OUrPf            lZXqKZC4uaQLMxJB2DgacBf4Q3kXcVNCNHtc2U3U5cMD8tr3/Jt5MKKun5jQrbXV            FF4eVr4Iv9jgPBwQc2kBUC9QL/alsMhEuXMeqdGQcCK3F0CLJdV3zUlKUDU0kg+O            Exnbl1CHXrIbpD7zLy1i3s8p39v1pYFYf4WlrQxvfa/xo97gXY5dJv8RryryLzRc            uhHYBvX5MHCGpbrY61JxpfZqBo8CmLuHl1tmbeXpdHdQB11LKiuL6HtKflNjc6rg            5r8bXl1nZbM/KOZEE+muA1LVoaTyHzY/aGXz0bNy4QRUO+De9JFcTDgnXnNZVG5x            cyyDBpc9AgMBAAECggEAatcEtehZPJaCeClPPF/Cwbe9YoIfe4BCk186lHI3z7K1            5nB7zt+bwVY0AUpagv3wvXoB5lrYVOsJpa9y5iAb3GqYMc/XDCKfD/KLea5hwfcn            BctEn0LjsPVKLDrLs2t2gBDWG2EU+udunwQh7XTdp2Nb6V3FdOGbGAg2LgrSwP1g            0r4z14F70oWGYyTQ5N8UGuyryVrzQH525OYl38Yt7R6zJ/44FVi/2TvdfHM5ss39            SXWi00Q30fzaBEf4AdHVwVCRKctwSbrIOyM53kiScFDmBGRblCWOxXbiFV+d3bjX            gf2zxs7QYZrFOzOO7kLtHGua4itEB02497v+1oKDwQKBgQDOBvCVGRe2WpItOLnj            SF8iz7Sm+jJGQz0D9FhWyGPvrN7IXGrsXavA1kKRz22dsU8xdKk0yciOB13Wb5y6            yLsr/fPBjAhPb4h543VHFjpAQcxpsH51DE0b2oYOWMmz+rXGB5Jy8EkP7Q4njIsc            2wLod1dps8OT8zFx1jX3Us6iUQKBgQDGtKkfsvWi3HkwjFTR+/Y0oMz7bSruE5Z8            g0VOHPkSr4XiYgLpQxjbNjq8fwsa/jTt1B57+By4xLpZYD0BTFuf5po+igSZhH8s            QS5XnUnbM7d6Xr/da7ZkhSmUbEaMeHONSIVpYNgtRo4bB9Mh0l1HWdoevw/w5Ryt            L/OQiPhfLQKBgQCh1iG1fPh7bbnVe/HI71iL58xoPbCwMLEFIjMiOFcINirqCG6V            LR91Ytj34JCihl1G4/TmWnsH1hGIGDRtJLCiZeHL70u32kzCMkI1jOhFAWqoutMa            7obDkmwraONIVW/kFp6bWtSJhhTQTD4adI9cPCKWDXdcCHSWj0Xk+U8HgQKBgBng            t1HYhaLzIZlP/U/nh3XtJyTrX7bnuCZ5FhKJNWrYjxAfgY+NXHRYCKg5x2F5j70V            be7pLhxmCnrPTMKZhik56AaTBOxVVBaYWoewhUjV4GRAaK5Wc8d9jB+3RizPFwVk            V3OU2DJ1SNZ+W2HBOsKrEfwFF/dgby6i2w6MuAP1AoGBAIxvxUygeT/6P0fHN22P            zAHFI4v2925wYdb7H//D8DIADyBwv18N6YH8uH7L+USZN7e4p2k8MGGyvTXeC6aX            IeVtU6fH57Ddn59VPbF20m8RCSkmBvSdcbyBmqlZSBE+fKwCliKl6u/GH0BNAWKz            r8yiEiskqRmy7P7MY9hDmEbG            -----END PRIVATE KEY-----        snis:            - ""#END

How to configure global rule#

global_rules:    -        id: 1        plugins:            response-rewrite:                body: "hello\n"

How to configure consumer#

consumers:  - username: jwt    plugins:        jwt-auth:            key: user-key            secret: my-secret-key

How to configure plugin metadata#

upstreams:  - id: 1    nodes:      "": 1    type: roundrobinroutes:  -    uri: /hello    upstream_id: 1    plugins:        http-logger:            batch_max_size: 1            uri:  - id: http-logger # note the id is the plugin name    log_format:        host: "$host",        remote_addr: "$remote_addr"

How to configure stream route#

stream_routes:  - server_addr:    server_port: 1985    id: 1    upstream_id: 1    plugins:      mqtt-proxy:        protocol_name: "MQTT"        protocol_level: 4        upstream:          ip: ""          port: 1995upstreams:  - nodes:      "": 1    type: roundrobin    id: 1