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Version: 2.5

Control API

The control API can be used to

  • expose APISIX internal state
  • control the behavior of a single isolate APISIX data panel

By default, the control API server is enabled and listens to You can change it via the control section under apisix in conf/config.yaml:

apisix:  ...  enable_control: true  control:    ip: ""    port: 9090

Note that the control API server should not be configured to listen to the public traffic!

Control API Added via plugin#

Plugin can add its control API when it is enabled. If a plugin adds such a control API, please refer to each plugin's documentation for those APIs.

Plugin independent Control API#

Here is the supported API:

GET /v1/schema#

Introduced since v2.2.

Return the jsonschema used by this APISIX instance in the format below:

{    "main": {        "route": {            "properties": {...}        },        "upstream": {            "properties": {...}        },        ...    },    "plugins": {        "example-plugin": {            "consumer_schema": {...},            "metadata_schema": {...},            "schema": {...},            "type": ...,            "priority": 0,            "version": 0.1        },        ...    }}

For plugins part, only enabled plugins will be returned. Some plugins may lack of fields like consumer_schema or type, it is depended on by the plugin's definition.

GET /v1/healthcheck#

Introduced since v2.3.

Return current health check status in the format below:

[    {        "healthy_nodes": [            {                "host": "",                "port": 1980,                "priority": 0,                "weight": 1            }        ],        "name": "upstream#/upstreams/1",        "nodes": [            {                "host": "",                "port": 1980,                "priority": 0,                "weight": 1            },            {                "host": "",                "port": 1988,                "priority": 0,                "weight": 1            }        ],        "src_id": "1",        "src_type": "upstreams"    },    {        "healthy_nodes": [            {                "host": "",                "port": 1980,                "priority": 0,                "weight": 1            }        ],        "name": "upstream#/routes/1",        "nodes": [            {                "host": "",                "port": 1980,                "priority": 0,                "weight": 1            },            {                "host": "",                "port": 1988,                "priority": 0,                "weight": 1            }        ],        "src_id": "1",        "src_type": "routes"    }]

Each entry contains fields below:

  • src_type: where the health checker comes from. The value is one of ["routes", "services", "upstreams"].
  • src_id: the id of object which creates the health checker. For example, if Upstream object with id 1 creates a health checker, the src_type is upstreams and the src_id is 1.
  • name: the name of the health checker.
  • nodes: the target nodes of the health checker.
  • healthy_nodes: the healthy node known by the health checker.

User can also use /v1/healthcheck/$src_type/$src_id can get the status of a health checker.

For example, GET /v1/healthcheck/upstreams/1 returns:

{    "healthy_nodes": [        {            "host": "",            "port": 1980,            "priority": 0,            "weight": 1        }    ],    "name": "upstream#/upstreams/1",    "nodes": [        {            "host": "",            "port": 1980,            "priority": 0,            "weight": 1        },        {            "host": "",            "port": 1988,            "priority": 0,            "weight": 1        }    ],    "src_id": "1",    "src_type": "upstreams"}