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Plugin Loading Process#


Plugin Hierarchy Structure#


Configure APISIX#

There are two methods to configure APISIX: directly change conf/config.yaml, or add file path argument using -c or --config flag when start APISIX like apisix start -c <path string>

For example, set the default listening port of APISIX to 8000, and keep other configurations as default. The configuration in config.yaml should be like this:

apisix:  node_listen: 8000 # APISIX listening port

Set the default listening port of APISIX to 8000, set the etcd address to http://foo:2379, and keep other configurations as default. The configuration in config.yaml should be like this:

apisix:  node_listen: 8000 # APISIX listening port
etcd:  host: "http://foo:2379" # etcd address

Other default configurations can be found in the conf/config-default.yaml file, which is bound to the APISIX source code. Never manually modify the conf/config-default.yaml file. If you need to customize any configuration, you should update the config.yaml file.

Note APISIX will generate conf/nginx.conf file automatically, so please DO NOT EDIT conf/nginx.conf file too.